Friday, July 13, 2012

Q & A with Date Night! Round 2

Here we go ladies! Round 2 of my monthly Q&A, directly solely by YOU and YOUR questions! I have done my best to answer them from my experience, but I would love to hear from you and your experience, so please feel free to comment and add to these! This month was full of winter-skin and makeup questions, so that is what we will focus on!

1.       How can I tell if my skin needs moisturizer?

    When you wash your face, if it feels dry and tight, you need moisturizer. However, the key is to determine what kind and how much. If you use a moisturizer, and you end up with very oily skin within a couple of hours, you aren’t using the right product. You might need to step it down to a less-rich product. Similarly, if you end up very dry and tight within a couple of hours, step up your game, with one that has more oils and humectants to it. My favorite light-weight moisturizer is Aveda’s for Sensitive skin. They use this for burn victims in hospitals, so it is pretty amazing lotion. My favorite heavier moisturizer is Nuance: AM/PM Anti-Aging Super Cream.

2.       My lips are ALWAYS chapped. What can I do about this?

    My biggest trick is to gently exfoliate your lips with a tooth brush. Then slather on a generous amount of your favorite lip balm. I love to stick with lip balms that have a lot of natural oils in them.  My favorite is EOS Organic Lip Balm Smooth Sphere. It is less than $4.00, and the lemon flavor is amazing.

3.       My skin is so dry; I can’t seem to put enough lotion on! What can I do?

    Well, obviously, every dermatologist (which I am not) will tell you, stay away from hot showers. However, I am a hot shower addict, so I also had to find a way around it. My favorite tricks are oils! Neutrogena makes the most amazing sesame scented body oil, but at $10-$15, it can be a bit expensive, especially if you use it every time you take a shower. However, baby oil is very inexpensive, and it smells amazing! The key to using oils is applying them while your skin is still wet. Apply it right after your shower. I always try and wipe some of the water off first, and then use the oil. It’s great because it is VERY easy to apply and takes no time. Then try to air dry, or at least pat yourself dry. Give yourself about 5 minutes and then get dressed as usual!

4.       My hair is so damaged now that it’s cold out. It seems like the conditioners I use don’t work!

    Your first problem may be that you need a haircut. Most of us are attached to our length, even if it is nasty, trashy, split-end hair. J However, you can NEVER fix split ends. Ignore everything you have been told by TV commercials. In the end, the only remedy is a good haircut. After this, you may still have dry hair, and that is where at little T.L.C comes in. Do a deep conditioner at least once a week. I always do it twice.  Look for one that has natural oils in the first few ingredients. My favorite deep conditioner is Aveda’s Damage Remedy, but it has a very HIGH price tag. As an alternative, I use olive oil.  Shampoo like regular, and then apply the oil like you would conditioner.  Tie your hair up, and let the steam in the shower do the hard work. Let it sit as long as you can. I keep olive oil in my hair for about 10-15 minutes, and then I rinse with cool water. Yes, you will likely have greasy hair faster than normal, but it has done its job, and your hair is healthier for it!

5.       My skin looks ashy in the winter. I have been told not to exfoliate, because I will dry out my skin, what should I do?

    I completely disagree. Exfoliation is one of my BIGGEST beauty tricks. I exfoliate my body multiple times a week. I do not do this to my face, however! Ashy skin is a result of dead skin cells building up. The blood supply goes to the healthy skin cells, which gives you a warm, glowing appearance. You have to get those ashy skin cells off to get back that beautiful winter glow! I love the exfoliating gloves you can purchase for $5 at Wal-Mart. I apply a body wash with a salicylic acid directly on the gloves, like Neutrogena’s Body Clear Body Wash in Pink Grapefruit ($7.50), and scrub! Don’t overdo it; you don’t want scabs, just pretty skin. 

6.       My cuticles constantly split open and bleed in the winter months. I don’t know how to keep them from doing this.

    Your cuticles split open because they are dry. They need moisture to remain flexible. Think about how many things your hands do a day, and if they don’t have the moisture they need, they will pull tight (think of a dry rubber band) and naturally split open. Do yourself a favor, spend $5 on cuticle oil and apply it to your nails every night before you go to bed. You could also just grab a little olive oil out of your kitchen cabinet and apply. This will save you a lot of pain, because it never fails that those tiny little cuts hurt worse than the big ones!

Send me your beauty questions to!

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