The truth is, I am a research junkie. If I think that I want to use something personally, I will beat down any door, call any person, read any article, and semi-permanently move into the library, if need be, to be sure of what I am using and why- AND make sure it isn't just a new fad or all hype.
Last winter, I encouraged my readers to begin using olive oil as a moisturizer. It's cheap, accessible, easy to apply in the shower, and great for your skin. I kept mine easily accesible in the bathroom, for post shower moisturizing and occasionally did a hair treatment- which means wearing a hat the next day due to the .... moisturizing effects (*ahem. grease*). Around the same time, I was doing a good amount of research into creating my own brand of products. Something that has been put on the back burner for a little bit. I purchased a wide range of essential oils, carriers (the base to mix oils into), vitamins and etc. I happpened, at this time, upon my BIGGEST beauty secret, that I planned to keep to myself. :) And possibly charge for.
I began using this product recently, and fell in love with it in about.... 2 seconds. It started with a hair treatment, grew into a moisturizer, then I started using it on my horrendously chapped lips, and now, I am actually mixing it into food.
Making it's grand entrance is.... :
The benefits were immediate- my skin was softer, my face began to clear up, the stupid little red bumps on the back of my arms (we all get them) started to disappear, and my lips began to heal. What is it, by the way, with this sudden onset of cold? Does the weather not realize this is GEORGIA?! Chapped lips are not something I have regularly!
Once upon a time I watched one of those typical dude survival shows- and I remember time and time again being told that coconut water was nature's gatorade. As I did my digging and typical late night, I can't fall asleep so I must do something- type research- I discovered blog after blog, and doctor after doctor stating all the benefits of using coconut oil. Like here:, Or here: . I remembered talking with a friend about why she was drinking coconut water after a long run- and how she felt it's effects already- (Hi Beth M!) taking away the soreness from a long run (any runners? I can totally understand the aftershock of running more than 5 miles.) Then I talked with another friend about how she was instructed to take it orally (Hi Katillia!) So, I decided to try it out myself. I have been consistently using it for my skin, and been amazed at the results, so now I'm giving coconut oil a try else where in my life, and I will let you guys know how it goes!
Just take it from me- I am the queen of coloring my hair. I add a highlight here, a low light there, all the time- and it has taken it's toll on my locks- but one hot coconut oil treatment later, and I had soft hair. You can't argue with personal experience, folks.
Give it a try, let me know how you like it- and I will keep you updated!
12-1-12 Update:::
I forgot to explain the texture of Coconut oil. When you open it up, it looks like a hard oil. A little like Crisco- but harder feeling. Once you get your hands into it, it feels grainy. It isn't. Don't worry. Once you warm it up in your hands, it melts- but as another reader pointed out, and a great tip- If you whip up your coconut oil, it makes it MUCH easier to scoop out. I don't bother, mostly because I am lazy, and have a toddler running around wreaking havoc on my home. :)
Pretty cool to update that a friend/ follower/ fellow organic natural all around craftiness lover has posted a picture of her new stash of coconut oil to be used:
Can I also mention that she has a pretty cool etsy store that I dig?
In fact, I dig her shtuff so much that I currently have a request for a very awesome scarf that is SOLD OUT. Thats how awesome she is. :)